Using Comments to Grow Instagram Following

Instagram is officially taking over other social media platforms and is generating more than 1.6 billion likes in a single day. More than 60 million images are shared per day with more than 200 million active users.

With such booming expansion in the user base, the race to buildup followership has become intense. People are discussing strategies to increase their followers. Dedicated blogs are explaining ways to grow your followers. Everyone wants to be popular on Instagram like celebrities and famous personalities

It is fascinating how you can increase your followership on Instagram just by commenting. Instagram comments are one of the several ways to increase your fan base provided that it is done properly. Let’s discuss how commenting can allow you to grow following.

Respond to the Instagram Comments You Get

Show your audience and followers that you are interested in and care about them by responding to comments on your posts. This will create a sense of community among your followers and can play a vital role in increasing them.

Do not ignore the comments you get, there is a good chance that your response will trigger further discussion and more people will participate. The thread will increase and (if it goes well) so will your followers.

Engage With People in Comments

The way you comment and respond to people can have an impact on the conversation too. Try asking people questions in a friendly intuitive way and share similar experiences with pictures of your own.

For serious conversations and threads use a formal tone and present your point in a discrete logical way. For casual topics, you may use appropriate style and slang to match the subject and tone of the thread. Do not try to be a bully or a dogmatic commenter.

Appropriate emojis and can be eye-catching and fun for a lighter conversation. Too much use of emojis can also be negative and spammy.

Comment on High-Quality Content

Instagram’s algorithm judges the quality of the content by several likes it gets and how quickly it receives them. Commenting on quality content that you think has the potential to rise quickly can make your comments visible to more people.

Instagram promotes high-quality stuff and makes it popular. More and more people engage with high-quality pictures and make them famous pictures.

Participate In Popular Posts

As mentioned earlier the more a picture is viewed the more likely its comments are going to be read by users. Sometimes a spot-on comment early on the post is seen, read, and praised excessively.

Posts by celebrities, artists, signers, political personalities, sportsmen, and global personalities are a hit instantly due to such a huge fan base. Try commenting on these to be viewed more and more people. Ask questions and remember engagement is the key. If they like your comment there is a chance they like you and start following you.

Use Creative Hashtags & Relevant Keywords

Creative hashtags and relative keyword use can make tour comment good looking and increase your visibility. This increases the chances of likes and even the following. Usually 5 or 6 hashtags are enough; however, you can use up to 30.

Some people say that morehashtags are wasteful and can give you a spammy outlook. They also claim that 11 hashtags can give you maximum engagement.

You can search online to know the popular and mostly used top hashtags. Some people use them to ask for likes or following like #followback, #instafollow, #like4like, #l4l, and #follow me.

Avoid Too Much Commenting – Don’t Be Spammy!

Try commenting more, to promote engagement and likes but not too much. Excess of everything can be bad; the same is true for Instagram comments. A huge number of comments can overwhelm users. It also makes you look spammy and desperate for followership.

Use your comments cleverly and consider them as a micro blog for engagement which can in turn increase following.  Comment on the right time of the day or night and do not waste them on unfruitful posts (some estimate it to be between 1 pm and 5 pm for IG).

There are rules for Instagram commenting try not to violate any of them while using commenting as a technique to increase your followers. Despite being a simple technique it can certainly increase the fan base and follower growth.


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