Startup Blog - Write for Us - Submit Guest Post on Derek Time Best News Website Fri, 21 Jul 2023 15:44:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Startup Blog - Write for Us - Submit Guest Post on Derek Time 32 32 12 Expenses That Startups and Small Business Owners Have To Consider Sun, 22 May 2022 16:23:07 +0000 There are so many little things that small companies have to consider when embarking on

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There are so many little things that small companies have to consider when embarking on their entrepreneurial journey. Aside from creating a product or a service and analyzing the target market, they also need to take into account all the expenditures.

The list of business costs is by no means short. Some of them, you probably haven’t even considered by now. Luckily, we are here to rectify that mistake. Here is a list of 12 expenses that startups and small companies have to consider.


When creating the list of expenditures, you should always start with the rent. Whether we’re talking about offices, warehouses, or manufacturing plants, you will need to find a location that will allow you to conduct business without a hitch but, if possible, without paying too much.

Office maintenance

As soon as you pay for the rent, you should start thinking about office maintenance and cleaning. If you rent a really small space and you’re short on money, you might even consider cleaning it yourself for the time being. However, paying for office cleaning services is much more professional.


Marketing expenses cover a wide range of costs. This can refer to billboards, TV and radio ads, digital marketing, brochures, etc. One thing is for certain: you can never invest enough in marketing activities!

Fees and annuities

Even if you’re a small business or a startup, there is a good chance you have to rely on some sort of a loan to get things off the ground. Companies usually have to consider things such as interests and annuities on ongoing credits, business credit cards, and business loans. Luckily, these things are usually tax-deductible in the US.


Small businesses have the option of deducting insurance related to employees’ compensations, but also business-specific insurance. This also includes rare insurance types like that for malpractice, liability, and real estate. You can do the same with the company’s cars, although things get a bit more complicated in that situation.

Office supplies and equipment

When operating a business, you will require a variety of supplies and equipment, such as office printers and desk chairs. Not to mention things like software and hosting services will be needed too. These are the tools that help keep the office organized and running smoothly. From physical supplies to digital resources, figuring out the necessary equipment to provide a productive workplace is essential.

Repairs and maintenance

Nowadays, every company needs maintenance for their computers and systems. You basically need an IT person who will help with all your tech needs. From time to time, you might also need to fix these computers, but also some other equipment in the office. Depending on your line of work, you might have to do the same for some other things.

Continuous education

It is hard to stay at the top in modern business. So, the companies invest a lot in worker education. We might even argue that continuous education is much more important for young organizations. As you probably don’t have the money to hire top-tier experts, you probably need to create experts in-house. Furthermore, investing in education early on can provide enormous benefits in the long run, even if it’s a bit costly.

Business meals

Business meals are another thing that can be partially deducted from taxes. If a food product qualifies in the category, you can save up to 50% when making purchases. Keep in mind that these expenses have to be related to your business ventures. This mainly includes spending during business lunches, trips, and conferences.

Employee salaries

Employee salaries are the biggest burden for a company of any size. In fact, they are the highest reoccurring cost. While equipment expenses can be high, they are usually considered one-time purchases. On the other hand, employee salaries are something where you lose money all the time.

External employee expenses

Most companies outsource certain services. Good examples of this are accounting, legal, and IT. You don’t necessarily need these experts in your office, but they are nevertheless crucial for your business operations. You can also classify freelancers as external employees.

Telephone, utilities, and internet

Of course, companies also have to consider all the accompanying costs that go with the office. Although not the biggest expense, you still need to consider utilities, telephone, and the internet at the end of the month.

With these tips, you know exactly what your future company needs. There are lots of things to think about, but as long as you properly systemize expenses, it will be easy to track them.

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What You Need to Know About Starting a Dispensary Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:05:15 +0000 The cannabis industry has grown exponentially in recent years. Cannabis is now legal for recreational

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The cannabis industry has grown exponentially in recent years. Cannabis is now legal for recreational use in 19 states including Washington D.C., and there are more than 30 states that have legalized cannabis for medicinal purposes.

With this type of growth, it’s no surprise that entrepreneurs are looking for ways to get in on the action and be a part of the cannabis boom.

However, opening a dispensary can be difficult and there are many factors to take into consideration before you begin your venture. This blog post will focus on five tips for starting up your dispensary.

Keep Compliance in Mind

One of the most important things to keep in mind when starting a dispensary is compliance. State cannabis laws can be difficult to navigate and many have stricter guidelines than others, so you need to make sure your business follows all local cannabis rules.

In addition, it’s important to contact each state where you plan on operating as well as any neighboring states. This way, you can avoid any issues with cannabis transport across state lines and ensure that your dispensary is in compliance at all times.

Keep your cannabis business in compliance by hiring a cannabis IT company that can help you manage the security, inventory, and sales of cannabis.

Keep an Eye on the Rules of Your Industry

As cannabis becomes more acceptable for recreational use, there are also increasing regulations regarding consumption around the country. For example, while smoking cannabis has been legal in several states, many have banned cannabis consumption in public spaces.

It’s important to keep an eye on cannabis laws in your state as well as nationally. Cannabis is becoming more mainstream, but there are still many regulations that entrepreneurs need to be aware of.

In addition to cannabis laws, there are also regulations for cannabis businesses that you should keep an eye on as well. In some places where cannabis is legal recreationally or medicinally, dispensaries still need a license before they can open their doors and begin selling cannabis products to the public.

This is why it’s important to do your research and have a clear understanding of the cannabis laws in your state before you even think about opening a cannabis business which brings us to the next tip.

Do Your Research

Opening a dispensary is not as simple as slapping up a sign and starting to sell cannabis products. There are many things you need to take into consideration, such as the type of cannabis products you want to sell, your target market, and how you’ll price your products.

You should also research what other dispensaries are doing in your area. That’ll give you a good idea of what type of products and services are popular in your area, as well as what prices patients are willing to pay.

In a nutshell, you need to research the cannabis industry as a whole. Information on what other dispensaries are doing can be found online, and there are also cannabis trade shows that can be a great resource for information.

To make sure your dispensary is successful, it’s important to do your research and have a solid business plan in place. This way, you can make sure you’re meeting the needs of your target market and setting up your dispensary for success.

Partner Up

Opening a dispensary can be expensive, especially if you’re starting from scratch. But it doesn’t need to break your bank account.

One way you can keep some costs down and feel like less of an entrepreneur is by partnering up with another like-minded individual.

Partnering with another entrepreneur to open and run your store can help offset some of these costs, especially if you’re both realistic about what each party will contribute towards the business (and vice versa).

Network, Network, Network

One of the best ways to find success in any business is by networking with other entrepreneurs. The cannabis industry is no exception, so make sure you attend cannabis events and meetups in your area. This way, you can learn from others who have already opened a dispensary and get valuable tips on what to do – and what not to do.

Cannabis insurance is also something to consider when setting up your business. Dispensaries are a prime target for thieves and burglars, so having insurance in place can help protect your investment.

Opening a dispensary can be a lucrative and exciting venture, but it’s important to remember that there are many things to take into consideration before you get started. By following the tips in this blog post, you’ll be on your way to opening a successful cannabis dispensary.

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Guide When Starting a Business in the U.S Mon, 27 Dec 2021 16:37:06 +0000 Starting a business demands a lot of experience and tactics. There’s only one place to

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Starting a business demands a lot of experience and tactics. There’s only one place to start and it’s in the bottom of the food chain. If you want to excel in the business world, make sure you’re doing it right.

Here is a guide that can help you boost your business’ performance:

Have a Clear Budget

Starting a business will need a clear budget. A clear budget covers all your expenses from the acquisition of legal documents needed for your business’ opening, the construction or purchase of your store, to possible unforeseen expenses.

The most important parts of your budget consist of the first required payments and your backup money. These are the parts of your budget that will make up the foundation of your business and maintain it as it operates.

Don’t allot the exact amount of money that you think can definitely cover all your expenses. Think about maintenance, food, personal expenses and emergency fund.

Hire a Lawyer

Starting a business in any part of the world will require a lot of background knowledge. If you don’t have this background knowledge needed that encompasses legal terms, processes and laws affecting businesses, hire a lawyer.

There are a number of documents that you’ll need to acquire before you can open any type of business such as permits and licenses to operate.

If you also happen to be living outside the US, you’ll need a non-immigrant visa, like an E2 visa.

Construct a Business Plan

Creating a business plan will not only make your operations more organized but will also provide a level of transparency for your partners.

This business plan will also have some sort of control over the actions of your employees. Before opening a business, it is a must that you have a concrete arrangement of operations.

Find Long-Term Employees

It’s crucial for a new business to have a starting team of responsible, full-term employees. Don’t hire employees who are likely to stay for only a year or so. Take people who are willing to learn your business’ operations to finally mentor new employees in the future.

Value Marketing

The power of marketing is great. Let your brand be known. If you’re a new business, you’re likely to have more competitions. Your only weapon is marketing. You may have better products and services, but if your target customers don’t have a clue of your existence, you’ll surely lose.

Get your business going by incorporating an online website, blog or facebook page to your marketing system. There are different methods out there that you can try:

  1. Paid advertising – you can pay websites, radio stations, publications and the like to advertise your product.
  2. Online marketing – build an online fan base through online content, like videos, photos and written articles.
  3. Word of the mouth – this marketing strategy has existed ever since. Get help from your own customers to promote your products. This can only be done if you have quality products.
  4. Yard signs – this low-budget marketing method will help you reach local customers.


If you haven’t decided on what product  or service you’ll be focusing on, think about the term “innovation.” This term has skyrocketed other businesses’ progress since the beginning of time. The top 5 percent of the market are effective innovators.

Introduce a product to your target market that other businesses’ don’t offer.

Do business for the people…

Work hard for your customers and not yourself. This method works and it has been proven by a lot of successful businesses. Set the right prices for your products and services. Greed will only take you to one place, and it’s all the way down the drain.

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5 Pieces of Equipment Your Manufacturing Start-Up Needs Tue, 10 Aug 2021 16:03:26 +0000 When starting a new business, regardless of the industry, you’re bound to struggle with some

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When starting a new business, regardless of the industry, you’re bound to struggle with some feelings of grave uncertainty – that is perfectly natural because it can be a stressful experience. When it comes to starting up a manufacturing business, there is even more pressure on you to succeed. The truth is that every new business has its teething issues at first, but if you hang in there and work hard, you can make a success of anything. If you’re thinking of starting up a manufacturing business but you’re looking for more info on what you might need, then you can rest assured that you have come to the right place for advice.


When it comes to manufacturing for the food or chemical industries, mixers are one of the most important investments you will ever make. Having a mixer that is big enough to deal with the load, but not too big that it causes issues, is vital to the efficiency of your production line. Whilst bigger mixers can handle larger batches, they will have longer loading and cleaning times, so you need to find the one that is right for your start-up’s needs.

Packaging Equipment

A production company must have a packaging section, otherwise, what would the point be? You’d be churning out products with nowhere to go after that. You need to invest in good quality boxes, packaging materials, and, most importantly, label printers. Once your products are made, packaged, and labelled they will be ready to be dispatched to your customers.

Storage Tank

Most manufacturing companies deal with bulk orders, which means they need to store bulk ingredients. If you’re planning on manufacturing smaller batches at first then you won’t need to invest in too many tanks at first, but once your business takes off you will need to buy more of them to keep up with your demand. For this reason, it is advisable to dedicate an area for your tanks and add more of them as and when you need to.


Manufacturing lines often rely on a constant source of power to keep the line running smoothly. The best way to avoid downtimes caused by electrical faults and failures is to invest in a generator that can handle an entire cycle of your machinery and manufacturing equipment running seamlessly for a few hours, or until your team can get the power back up and running again.


As you know by now, manufacturing is not a small game – you need to buy in bulk to produce in bulk. These large orders of materials and ingredients will need to be loaded and offloaded in the right areas of your factory. You can save money by starting with a few pallet jacks and some strong employees, but you will soon realize that you need to invest in a forklift sooner rather than later. Often the bigger ticket pieces of equipment are the ones that will have the most positive effect on your production times.

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The Pros and Cons of Using a Business Line of Credit for Your Start-Up Business Sat, 02 Jan 2021 14:07:38 +0000 Having a sufficient amount of cash on hand is important for businesses to achieve their

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Having a sufficient amount of cash on hand is important for businesses to achieve their goals. This is one of the reasons why startup companies apply for a startup business line of credit. With this type of financing, you can inject more cash into your company and achieve your business goals.

A business line of credit works a lot like a business credit card. The lenders establish a credit limit and you can withdraw funds from your line whenever you need to. You only have to pay for the money you’ve withdrawn, plus the interest, in monthly installments. Once you restore your credit balance, you can withdraw the funds again as needed.

But business lines of credit also come with its fair share of pros and cons. This is why you should weigh your options before applying.

Small Business Line of Credit Pros

Business lines of credit offer a lot of benefits to start-up businesses. It’s no wonder why it’s the most popular financing choice among newly established companies. Here are some of the best features a business line of credit:

1. Stabilizes Cash Flow During the Slow Season

Seasonal businesses rely on peak season profits to make it through the year. When slow season comes, these companies often experience cash flow issues. This makes it difficult for them to meet their monthly payables, like payroll and rent. Since you can’t use your business credit cards for these expenses, your line of credit is the most logical solution to address this problem.

Even if your business is not seasonal, you can make use of a business line of credit. All companies, regardless of the size, experience cash flow problems from time to time. A business line of credit gives you the cash you need to pay your bills on time.

2. Helps Build Business Credit

Lenders usually review your credit report when you apply for a loan. This helps them determine the terms they can offer you. Discrepancies on your credit report could hurt your chances of a business loan approval in the future.

This is another reason to use a business line of credit. With one, you canbuild and/or improve your business credit background. As long as you pay your bills and dues on time, your line of credit will work to your advantage. Remember that your credit report reflects how responsible you are for your finances. So, a good credit report will improve your chances of getting a loan.

3. It Offers Flexibility

If you’re looking for added flexibility, consider applying for a business line of credit. You can use the funds to pay for almost any expense, such as payroll, office equipment, or renovations. It lets you take on several business opportunities without having to worry about capital.

Small Business Line of Credit Cons

Unfortunately, a business line of credit isn’t for everybody. No matter how attractive it is for start-up businesses, it also has its downsides. Here are some of them:

1. Higher Fees

There are business owners who believe they got the better end of the deal because they qualified for lower interest rates. However, they sometimes forget that hidden charges could apply for the transaction. Some lenders impose fees for account maintenance and withdrawals. So, even if the interest rates are low, these charges could pile up fast and increase the overall cost of the loan.

That is why you should always check the fine print of every proposal. Be sure that the charges, fees, and interest rates are clearly stated before you sign anything. To ensure that you get the best deal possible, you can work with a loan broker. Click here to know more. They’ll help you compare different options to determine which loan works for you.

2. Higher Potential for Misuse

Since it’s easy to access the money, many entrepreneurs often misuse their lines of credit. To be safe, it’s best to only use your line of credit to cover cash flow shortages. Inefficient use of your credit line could put your business into more debt. If this happens, you may find it hard to repay your loan and keep your cash flow steady.

Businesses with significant debts should avoid applying for a business line of credit. Getting another loan could put a strain on their finances even more. So, it’s best to postpone the application until their finances are more stable.

3. The Application Process is Time-Consuming

To qualify for a business line of credit, you have to submit several documents to potential lenders. This can include the following:

  • Business Financial Statements
  • Personal Financial Statements
  • Business Tax Returns
  • Personal Tax Returns
  • Balance Sheets
  • Business Plan

Is Startup Business Line of Credit Right for You?

Startup business lines of credit are a great financial resource for start-up businesses. But before moving forward with your application, be sure to know what you’re getting yourself into. Know the risks and make sure that they don’t outweigh the benefits.

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Guide to Have a Successful Start on Amazon Selling Thu, 21 Nov 2019 16:28:51 +0000 The online business world has been booming since its birth. This makes it only right

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The online business world has been booming since its birth. This makes it only right for people of this generation to grab their spots on the online selling scene as early as now.

Amazon offers a great opportunity for anyone to earn a decent amount of money through opening a store on its platform.

However, this doesn’t happen with only one click and this article is here to guide you throughout your Amazon journey.

1. Pick the Right Products

It’s as obvious as it is — you’ll need products to sell on your store… but, not just any products, you’ll need the RIGHT ones.

This depends on some factors and here they are:

a) Demand

Make sure you have what the people want. Look out for new fads or possible incoming trends. If you are not sure which products you should sell, just try thinking of timely items that are seasonally salable.

b) Competition

Once you’ve picked the products for your store, think about the competition. Will you be able to get a good amount of attention from the market considering the success of fellow sellers?

There are brand names out there that are killing the online selling game. If you ever choose to compete against them, reselling branded items, you might simply get overpowered.

c) Time

Do you have enough time to keep a number of products flowing through your stocks? You should consider your ability to produce your goods if you have products that are handmade or manufactured by yourself.

2. Optimize Your Products’ Details

Let yourself be found through optimization of your products’ details. Make sure you input the right keywords that will gain your store more traffic.

Rank your products on the first page of Amazon. Look for the most searched keywords. You can try using Amazon keyword tools to make this task easier and less time-consuming.

3. FBA

Sign up for FBA. Fulfillment by Amazon is a service offered by Amazon itself. It allows sellers to a lot of options to lighten their responsibilities.

This service comes with packaging — a time-consuming activity every seller has to go through. With FBA, sellers can save time for other productive endeavors.

If storage is a problem for you, FBA can also help you out with this. Acquiring a storage space for your products will come at a great cost. Luckily, Amazon has enormous storage space to offer.

Once you’re officially an FBA-assisted seller, people will be able to trust your services much more when shipping is done by Amazon itself. That’s right! Shipping is also part of the FBA deal.

4. Quality Service

Provide quality customer service and you’ll have more customers coming back for more. Make sure that your customers are satisfied with the delivery and packaging. If you are a reseller, make sure that you have the best supplier who makes sure delivery and packaging are done properly and fast.

Reply to your messages as soon as possible. Have social media accounts available for your customers’ inquiries. If possible, hire someone who can manage these accounts.

5. Use Essential Tools

There are a number of softwares out there that sellers use to make their Amazon experience better and their businesses efficient. Use one of these tools to make your store more profitable and grow at a faster rate.

Helium 10 is a highly recommended tool for Amazon sellers since it offers 13 sub-tools that make data more visible, accessible and easy to handle. These tools that Helium 10 provides are essential for any store’s growth and development. In this competition-packed community, it’s best for starters or even seasoned sellers to utilize all the help they can get.

Helium 10 even offers a 50% discount on the first month of usage. You’ll only need a Helium 10 discount code.

Keep in mind…

Opening a store on Amazon will only require an amount of initial effort which makes this a very beneficial passive income stream. Given the ever-growing potential Amazon is showing today, it’s best to start now.

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The Top 5 Possibilities of Cloud Technology for Startups Tue, 22 Oct 2019 02:41:38 +0000 Running a startup and turning it into a bonafide business is no easy task. Many

The post The Top 5 Possibilities of Cloud Technology for Startups appeared first on Derek Time.

Running a startup and turning it into a bonafide business is no easy task. Many businesses don’t make it past their 5th year of operation. As a result, these startups will do anything they can to get a leg up on their competition or better their chances at finding success.

One emerging and increasingly popular technology for startups is cloud technology. Cloud technology and computing is when computer resources are available to you, on-demand, without having to actively manage them. Cloud computing is done through the internet and on rented hardware and servers.

Adoption of cloud technology has become more and more popular recently. But just what types of benefits and possibilities are possible when companies use cloud technology? If that is a question you have, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether your company needs a cloud logging solution or some cloud storage, this blog post is going to look at some of the potential possibilities and benefits of cloud technology for startups.

It Will Help With Scalability

One common issue that many different startup companies struggle with is scalability. Your needs will change drastically from when you have 10 visitors and customers, to when you have 10,000 of them. Scaling with traditional technology and computing solutions is not always easy and can be cumbersome. You may need to change your plan, switch providers and likely engage in a lot of back and forth conversations.

But with cloud computing, scaling up or down can be done incredibly quickly and easily. You don’t have to try and predict your traffic or business, as you can maneuver very quickly if need be. This helps you only pay for what you actually end up needing or using, which can save you money.

It is More Cost-Effective

Speaking of saving money, cloud technology and computing is also very cost-effective for most businesses. Using the cloud eliminates the need for physical storage and hardware, and also reduces costs in relation to maintenance and staffing. Many companies are spending more on IT than ever before, and using the cloud can help reduce these costs.

You also don’t need a large upfront capital investment to get started with cloud computing, which is a breath of fresh air for many entrepreneurs. Also, like we mentioned, you will only pay for what you use. Paying for cloud computing is easy as making one payment a month, instead of handling the variety of costs you will be responsible for if you keep everything in-house.

It Can Increase the Security of Your Startup

Security has always been important, but this is more true now than ever. Data breaches, hacks and other cyber crime is on the rise and can wreak havoc on your company. The cloud is often much more secure than using physical storage or hardware. Physical devices can fail, require maintenance and can be damaged.

While the cloud isn’t perfect when it comes to security, it has many fewer flaws and vulnerabilities. Many cloud providers take security very seriously and have state of the art equipment or precautions in place to protect your data and information. The cloud providers also have backups in place and provisions to protect your data in case of a disaster of some kind.

It Can Be Accessed Anywhere at Anytime

If you are still using physical computing, most of your data, information and software will only be able to be accessed at the office. In today’s mobile and fast-moving world, this no longer cuts it. Accessing the cloud is easy no matter where you are. You can also access it on multiple different devices as well.

This functionality can help you work beyond the office, and helps you be able to successfully use remote teams, freelancers and telecommuters. Flexibility is often important when starting a business, and the cloud is about as flexible a solution that exists today. As long as you have an internet connection, taking advantage of the cloud will be possible.

It is Simple to Integrate and Use

When running a startup, there is likely a lot on the plates of you and your team. You need to handle marketing, production, optimizing your company and so many other things. As a result, anything that can make your life and running your company easier has value.

Thankfully, cloud technology and computing is incredibly easy to integrate and use. Whether you use it to build and deploy apps, or just for secure storage, cloud computing will be easy for your business to use. Many of the common startup-related headaches can be taken off of your plate when cloud computing is used.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been helpful in teaching you about many of the possibilities and benefits of cloud technology for startups.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Translate Your New Business Website Tue, 25 Jun 2019 01:01:32 +0000 Do you want to become successful in business? Translation for your website is a must.

The post 5 Reasons Why You Should Translate Your New Business Website appeared first on Derek Time.

Do you want to become successful in business? Translation for your website is a must.

The one reason many people own a business is to be successful and to deliver an exceptional service to their customers. However, what some business owners don’t realize is that they could branch out further and reach a wider target audience if they concentrated on their website a little more. No matter where you want to take your business, Chinese translation agency can help you get there.

The world doesn’t simply have one language. If you concentrate on one particular area which speaks a single language, you’re not making the most of resources that are available to you. That’s where a professional translation company comes in. Their trained professionals can work with you to create a translated website, tailored to each area of the world you wish to target. With their help, you can speak to more people and deliver your business message to thousands of potential new interested customers.

There are many reasons why you should translate a new business website. Here are just a few of them:

You can increase the traffic to your website.

In the world of SEO, increased traffic is great for improving your Google rankings. Improved Google rankings means that you’ll get more eyes on your website and in turn, more sales as a result. By translating your website into multiple languages, you can reach more people. Many countries use Google as a search engine, so you’re increasing your chances of more traffic by simply working alongside a linguist to translate your site. From doing so, you could get custom from all over the world.

It’s easier than it’s ever been.

Thanks to highly trained linguists and the help of technology and machine translation, it’s incredibly easy to reach more people. There are companies across the world with hundreds of fully trained translators ready to take on projects of any size. To get started, all you need to know is which languages you need your website to be translated into. From there, you can begin to approach companies and ask for their expertise and advice.

Rise above your competitors.

What are your competitors doing? If you’ve done your research and found that they aren’t translating their website to reach new people, then you’ll already have a head start. If they are, you need to keep up. The more you can offer your customers in terms of products and services and the wider your reach, the more traffic you’ll get and in turn, the more genuine custom.

Build up your trust and reputation.

Your website is like a digital shop front. Whatever people see here will determine how they see your company and brand, and will also tell a customer whether or not they should purchase from you. If you have the option to choose a variety of language settings as well as a range of desirable products, you’ll instantly gain their trust as well as build yourself a solid positive reputation in the process.

High levels of customer experience.

Being able to meet the demands of your target audience wherever they are based in the world is something that not every company has. If a customer can read about your business, understand the products you are selling as well as browse with ease across your website, you’ll prevent them from leaving to find a different company; a competitor. By making sure your translation and navigation is done right, you’ll retain the custom and secure 100% of the profit.

Translate your new business website to rise above the rest.

For people to notice you above all over companies in your industry, you need to stand out. Consider professional translation for your website to ensure you draw in the right people and keep them there.

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How to Succeed in Your Child Care Business Thu, 20 Jun 2019 16:18:49 +0000 Having a child care business and managing all its aspects is hard and challenging, especially

The post How to Succeed in Your Child Care Business appeared first on Derek Time.

Having a child care business and managing all its aspects is hard and challenging, especially if you have more than one centre and multiple care providers. The larger you become, the more risks and problems you will have and at times, it might all seem impossible.

As a business owner, you need to stay competitive, your staff needs to feel heard and valued and your clients have to be happy with the quality of the service you provide. It can be really hard to keep everything in perspective and stay on top of things, so here are a few areas you can focus on to run a successful business.

Invest in yourself

Starting your own child care business is a big venture and a huge investment. Whether you’re looking for a child care centre for sale or you’re planning to run it from your home, you will need a serious business plan to cover all areas and make it work.

However, once things get going, you need to invest in yourself as well because you are your own most valuable asset. Therefore, make plans for your skills development, professional training and personal growth. From the very start, it’s important to include this into both your schedule and your budget, no matter how tight it is.

This will open a sea of opportunities for you and eventually make you a better person, both in your company and your own family. Moreover, make an effort to join professional associations of child care providers and many other organisations that can help and support small business owners.

Develop a child-first philosophy

One of your first steps towards a successful child care business is developing a child-oriented philosophy. Integrate it into your mission statement and your core values, share it in your advertisements in printed materials and on social media and make it a part of your brand.

Another crucial factor is to have your staff exhibit this philosophy so you can build a relationship with the parents based on trust. Train and educate your staff so well that whatever they do and whenever they communicate with the parents, this philosophy is evident.

Concentrate on parents’ experience

As mentioned above, an essential part of your business is the relationship you create with the parents, so always consider various ways you can improve and create a better parent experience. This is a key element as the parents are the ones who need to feel comfortable enough to let you educate their child and trust you enough that you can do the job well.

In this digital age, you can offer the option of a user-friendly communication app so parents can connect with you throughout the day. This constant communication can go from sharing photographs of children’s activities, updates on their progress and overall well-being so the parents can be at ease knowing that all information is just a click away.

Value your staff

As a small business owner, you need to make sure you have a devoted team of teachers and a good relationship between them and your management team. Everyone involved must act and work in accordance with your business core values but they all need to feel heard and valued as well. Ensure they’re all provided with sufficient resources, materials and training and an occasional treat and fun activities.

It’s imperative all your employees are properly educated, trained, certified and licenced to provide care for a larger number of children, but do make sure every teacher gets only as much as they can handle. This is why it’s important you are an involved boss who notices the signs of exhaustion and burn-out. It might be necessary to employ another caregiver. If so, it’s a better option than running the risk of losing clients due to sub-par care.

Always, be professional

When you work with children in child care and spend a lot of time with them, it’s easy to get attached and develop strong feelings for them. You need to control this urge as it could compromise your business and be your downfall. Professional distance and boundaries are essential because, regardless of how much you love both the kids and the parents, they will continue to come and go and you need to maintain your business. You are there to support them and give them what they need, but you can’t let it crush you.

Take the bad with the good

Working with children is probably the most rewarding job you can have and watching them grow and develop in every aspect and knowing that you get to be the part of that makes everything worthwhile. In addition to long-term benefits, each and every day with the kids will give you momentary rewards and immense personal and professional satisfaction.

Certainly, running a child care centre isn’t all fun and games. It also entails long hours, lots of stress and hard work. Bad times will come but then, it’s important to take a step back and remind yourself of all the good things you have accomplished from the day you opened the doors of your business.

The post How to Succeed in Your Child Care Business appeared first on Derek Time.

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Important Things To Know Before Starting A Business In Glycol Ethers Market Thu, 20 Jun 2019 15:28:08 +0000 Glycol ethers refer to a group of solvents that are derived from alkyl ethers of

The post Important Things To Know Before Starting A Business In Glycol Ethers Market appeared first on Derek Time.

Glycol ethers refer to a group of solvents that are derived from alkyl ethers of ethylene glycol or alkyl ethers of propylene glycol that are typically used in paints and cleaners. Glycol ethers are generally water-soluble and biodegradable with only a few considered to be toxic. The glycol ethers can further be classified into either e-series or p-series glycol ethers based on whether the solvent is made from ethylene oxide or propylene oxide.

The e-series glycol ethers are made from ethylene oxide and are used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, sunscreens, dyes, inks, and water-based paints. The p-series glycol ethers are made from propylene oxide and are used in cleaners, degreasers, aerosol paints and adhesives. The p-series glycol ethers are also considered to be less toxic than e-series glycol ethers. Chemical reactions can be conducted on both e-series and p-series glycol ethers, producing glycol ethers as well as glycol ether acetates.

Factors To Know Before Starting A Business In Glycol Ethers Market

There are several factors to be considered before starting a business in the glycol ethers market, such as market growth, key end-user industries, and competitors.

Market Size: The global glycol ethers market is projected to grow at a 4.1 percent rate until 2022 with the p-series glycol ethers growing at a higher rate of 4.7 percent than the e-series glycol ether market in the same period of time. The APAC is estimated to be the major demand-driving region in the glycol ethers market, led by increased growth rates in the markets for paints, coating, and household cleaning products, all of which require glycol ethers. The high GDP growth rates projected for the APAC region are also expected to influence the market for glycol ethers until 2022. In comparison, the growth rate of the glycol ethers market in North America and Europe is expected to be slow, because of the mature downstream market.

The global production capacity for e-series glycol ethers and p-series glycol ethers is enough to meet the current global demands. However, the regional capacity in North America for p-series glycol ethers and the capacity in Asia for e-series glycol ethers are not sufficient to meet local demands and therefore rely on imports. In Europe, regional sourcing is preferred due to the REACH regulations on glycol ethers, but global and regional sourcing modes are used in North America. Raw materials account for 69 percent of the total costs of production of glycol ethers in North America, 75 percent in EU and 67 percent in Asia.

Applications: There is immense potential for using glycol ethers as solvents for a wide variety of applications, as the glycol ethers can be used in both forms of e-series glycol ethers and p-series glycol ethers, and the combination of additives can change the properties of the solvent further. Glycol ethers also have low molecular weight and a high boiling point, making them immensely useful for industrial and commercial applications. Common applications of glycol ethers currently include use in brake fluids, coating, compounders, cosmetics, dyes, engraving, gypsum, lacquers, morticians, nitrocellulose, organic synthesis, paint, resins, soap and detergents, textiles, vegetable oils, wood staining, and yarns and cloth.

Direct contact with solvents containing glycol ethers poses a health risk due to the toxicity of the materials, therefore, regulations such as Europe’s REACH are in place to promote safety while dealing with the solvents.

When starting a business in the glycol ethers market it is important to identify potential clients and the end-user segment as production would be tailored to that end. It is also important to verify all the applicable regulations on the production of glycol ether to maintain the safety of the workers and the legality of the business.

Supplier Landscape: Understanding the supplier landscape is important before starting a business as it will give an overview of the competitors in the market and areas where there is potential for growth. The supplier power is high in North America and the EU while it is medium to low in Asia. The buyer power, on the other hand, is low in North America and the EU and Medium to High in Asia. The typical contract period in the glycol ethers market is 2-3 years for large volume buyers and 1 year for small volume buyers. The FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) industry accounts for a small share of the demand for glycol ether, and therefore FMCG buyers have low leverage during negotiations for contracts, forcing them to contend with high prices and supply unavailability when the supply is tight. Top global suppliers are Dow Chemicals, Dynamic Chemicals, LyondellBasell, Ineos Oxide and BASF.

Before starting a business in the glycol ethers market it is important to have a business plan, which identifies the target clientele and the products to sell. By studying the market size, applications and supplier landscape for the glycol ethers market, entrepreneurs can narrow down their target clients and products. There is immense growth in the market, due to the wide applications of glycol ethers both e-series and p-series. While large-scale suppliers focus on large volume buyers, there is space in the market for small volume suppliers.

The post Important Things To Know Before Starting A Business In Glycol Ethers Market appeared first on Derek Time.

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