business Archives - Derek Time Best News Website Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:00:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business Archives - Derek Time 32 32 How to Execute a Business Expansion Plan Successfully? Thu, 20 May 2021 00:11:32 +0000 Are you planning to take your business global? Well, it can be a tough call

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Are you planning to take your business global? Well, it can be a tough call for your business as you’ll be integrating economically and financially on the international level. Especially if you’ve been operating as a small business or sole proprietor thus far. Surprisingly, this is what every business owner wants to achieve in their business lifecycle. Business expansion may sound thrilling, but it will ingest all your efforts and hard work to stay in the game for a long time.

If you feel that the time has come to take your small business internationally, then go for it. But before that, you have to gain a deep understanding of the targeted markets, overall competition, current trends in the market, and a lot more. Compiling all these tasks in one major segment is a Growth Plan!

What is a growth plan?

A growth plan allows you to plan strategically and track growth in your business returns so that you can take major steps like business expansion, become more customer-centric and different yourself from your competitors efficiently.

But don’t forget to rule out execution risk as it can be a historic setback for your business. However, opportunities for execution risk in every business are almost never-ending and differ according to the industry type.

So let’s understand in basic how execution risk appears to be:

  • Business finance failure– Tax non-compliance, incorrect financial data entry, inaccurate statements, and issues while processing a few transactions add to the execution risk.
  • Failures in strategy implementation and adjustments– Faulty financial models, erroneous or half-finished contracts or inadequate conception of relevant data all hamper the planning of various strategies.
  • External execution failures– Service providers or vendors may fail to deliver quality services, suppliers miss their deadlines or staff members make simple mistakes becomes difficult to predict different risks.

To profitably launch your business in the global market, executing your plan in the right way is essential. Stay focused on these aspects:

  1. Don’t forget to perform due diligence

Well, expanding your business internationally, you should, on the frontline, understand all the segments efficiently to analyze the impact of such aspects on your business.

  •  Start with market segmentation analysis to understand whether your product will be sold in the local market
  • To uphold the first step, you should perform a product gap analysis contrary to native products. Find the answer to this question “Is there any demand for a product that a local company is not able to fulfill?”
  • Determine your competition and perform a SWOT analysis against them to better price your products.
  • Don’t forget to analyze market opportunity and sizing. How vast is your targeted market and how much time it may take to capture the market with maximum sales?
  1. Develop a strategy/business plan, but remember to execute it-

Every market has its tinges due to different economic, government, cultural and market conditions. Therefore, it is inevitable to develop a strategy or business plan that can help you drive local feat while keeping you integrated with the overall business approach and aims.

  • Set realistic goals to measure the progress and profitability, for which, you should devise short, medium, and long-term strategy
  • Set critical metrics that define the objectives, goals, and success of the product in the market
  • Always complete your business model or structure, so decide whether you want to build a separate entity, or a branch or sales office.
  • Plan your financial budget to stay on top of your expenses
  • Plan strategically for your projects with appropriate deadlines

However, developing a strategy and executing it- this bridge is very long and complicated. It involves persons, stresses the attention and amalgamation of many essential variables or undertakings and requires an active feedback system to keep you focused on the execution process over the time.

Business planning is usually shorter than the execution stage. Only one thing you have to keep in mind for a successful execution- develop a culture from top management to labors that everyone cooperates and understands the benefits of implementation.

  1. Establish a buffer zone with the right team-

To grow in the global market, it is vital to establish a buffer zone to protect your company from competitors. And how it is possible? Of course, with the right team! Whether you take the executives from the parent company or hire local staff, both will consume your time and can be risky. What should you do?

  • First evaluate your business needs and prepare a checklist that includes all the tasks for which you’ll require a pro team
  • You can hire senior expertise for a short period, or you can outsource. Some of the general functions that you can opt for include accounting services, administrative services, quickbooks data entry services, and a lot more.
  • Establish a structure to determine which more expensive, in-house or outsourcing services
  1. Product strategy should be in the priority list-

When you perform product gap analysis, you can easily classify the addressable market for the products and how you can target your customers while executing the business plan. You can take a few more steps like:

  • Assess the government and industry-specific regulations to stay compliant
  • Analyze whether your product will be used by the local customers, if you find the answer yes, immediately translate your brand name in the local language
  • Don’t forget to stay legally compliant concerning your trademark and patent because in this vast world you will find many copycats.
  1. Financial budget preparation is crucial-

Many entrepreneurs overlook this aspect while executing their expansion planning. From the points mentioned above, you will get sufficient data to plan financially for your business expansion. You have to prepare a strong, yet achievable financial budget so that you don’t over expend and are ready for tax season.

Points to consider

  • You can either prepare a 3-year budget or 12-month business plan with thorough key performance metrics and update this plan every 6 month
  • You can consider outsourcing services for accounting, tax, and payroll
  • Review your operations every quarter
  • Prepare real-time budget report and your actual expense sheet to compare variances

Bottom line

Undoubtedly, expanding your business globally will offer you great opportunities to grow rapidly, but entrepreneurs should not be fainthearted here as things are quite complicated. But if you devotedly work hard the result of expansion will be fruitful!

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The Top Database as a Service Solutions for Start-up Businesses Tue, 01 Sep 2020 01:15:20 +0000 When it comes to modern-day businesses, a well-structured database acts as the strong foundation to

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When it comes to modern-day businesses, a well-structured database acts as the strong foundation to everything from workflows to applications and also now as a resource strategic business analytics and decision making. However, the database deployment models are changing largely in the recent years, and as of late, Database-as-a-Service or DBaaS is considered to be one of the most effective modes of database implementation, which offers both cost-cutting and also unlimited power. When it comes to startup businesses, this model also offers optimum scalability and flexibility.

What is DBaaS?

As we now discuss mostly databases being consumed by organizations as a cloud-based service, database-as-a-service had evolved as the best companion to cloud model. Even though it is not a silver bullet to simplify the life of DBAs who require a solid database for app development, DBaaS is a highly flexible option. It comes with many built-in advantages and disadvantages like any other cloud services.

DBaaS has better controls on the one hand, but when it comes to on-premise operations, it has only limited features. It has the capability to double up as a database engine-type software to power a big array of allied Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications ranging from data visualization tools to the organization-wide ERP system software. However, when it comes to the database functionalities, DBaaS is a solution with pros and cons tied to it.

The major benefits of DBaaS

  • Lower entry requirements
  • Open access to the technologies which were only available to larger enterprises previously.
  • Access to digitally native use cases like IoT (Internet of Things), Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, Live Data Streaming, Artificial Intelligence, and hybrid applications.

The major disadvantages of DBaaS model include

  • Higher rigidity of the databases
  • The complexity of the data science applications
  • Inflexibilities of integrations
  • Network issues related to performance
  • The complexity associated with huge volume data transfers.

If you are a startup business and planning to move your most sensitive business data between the DBaaS database and some other provider, you need to take optimum security precautions including solid identity management to the use of virtual private networks (VPN), etc.

Now, there a large number of DBaaS providers of different kinds from those who offer minimal level services to the biggest vendors offering large-scale cloud-based database management and data visualization services. Choose the most reliable and apt vendor among such a huge list is a difficult affair with many variables including the cost, geographical proximity, customer support, and also the actual tasks to be performed with the data in hand. Even though all DBaaS vendors claim that their platforms as optimally user-friendly and self-service ready, the complications mentioned above may mandate the need for the assistance of a skilled, knowledgeable database administrator.

So, as pointed out by, choosing a database service as a startup is not so easy even if the database configuration and spin-up can be automated to a good extent with DBaaS offerings. However, for a beginner, there are many DBaaS services which are comparatively simpler and easier than others, and some of them certainly have the power for the beginners and average developers to gain full control over it.

What makes DBaaS and easy choice for startups?

As in case of any SaaS offering, Database as a Service also runs on someone else’s server. Even though it is named as server-less cloud model, this not the case actually. So, the ease of use consideration given to DBaaS, which makes ideal for startups as a cost-effective database admin model based on the facts that:

  • Whether proper guidance is given on what the database engine fits the workload.
  • How easier it is to transfer or load data.
  • The amount of server configuration and provisioning handled by automation and machine learning.
  • How much backup and recovery processes are automatically run?

If a startup user takes a decision to simplify the database configuration process, then it is not actually all about the non-DBAs simply pulling down the menus from the user interface. However, it is all about making the task easier for the skilled DBAs to make use of it. In simpler terms, for a DBaaS to be a reliable self-service platform, one should eliminate the need for a DBA by making every user interaction hands-on.

The top Database-as-a-Service solutions for startups

#1. Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure SQL is an ideal DBaaS solution for the developers, DBAs, business analysts with its easy to use and better controls.


  • Very easy to use
  • Rich in features
  • A big number of regions with better options in GDPR compliance.
  • No breakage of apps during transfers.
  • Auto-tuning based on machine learning.
  • Compliant with older SQL apps too from before 2005.


  • Suitable only for structured data as it is SQL database.
  • Ideal for complex queries, but not suitable for messed up data as of human communication.

#2. MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a dream database for the developers, which has such a user-friendly UI, more automation capabilities than other Database-as-a-Service solutions, and a lot of controls and flexibility with built-in replication.


  • Ease of use.
  • Open source and cost-effective.
  • Powerful scalability and sharding
  • Serverless model
  • Machine learning skills.


  • NoSQL and not suitable for type of complex queries.
  • Not ideal for the SQL databases applications.

#3. Amazon Relational Database

Amazon Relational Database service is there as a beginner-friendly DBaaS. However, it is also ideal for professionals with a lot of add-on features. Moreover, it is a relational database.


  • Powerful
  • Plenty of controls offered to users
  • Highly security friendly.


  • Set up is very complex.
  • Data migration is also complex.
  • Needs the assistance of a database administrator and network professionals to set up.
  • Expensive compared to others.

#4. Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery can be another good choice for startups as a Database-as-a-Service platform. For those type of businesses working on cloud-native and handling massive sets of data with machine learning applications, BigQuery is an ideal choice to make.


  • Ideal for Big Data projects.
  • Data integration is so flexible.
  • Quicker analytical capabilities.
  • Easy to integrates with any data type.


  • May not be ideal for small data as primarily built for Big Data.
  • A bid confused SQL dialect.
  • No proper attention to the tool use and scaling automation.
  • Flat rate pricing.

Apart from these, some other considerations also to make are IBM Db2 on Cloud, SAP Cloud Platform, etc. However, with so many options available, a startup business needs to be very careful and knowledgeable before picking a DBaaS solution for their purpose.

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Ways Your Business Can Stand Out From the Crowd Tue, 21 May 2019 17:28:56 +0000 Starting a business is not easy. If you already own a business, you can already

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Starting a business is not easy. If you already own a business, you can already attest to there being some challenges along the way. Because of this, it is very easy for your business to fail. The one that most stands out is the lack of a notable difference from others dealing in the same products as you. For you to excel, you need to ensure that you stand out rather than blend in with your competition. Many of you understand this, but you fail to practice it.

You need to ensure that you are focusing on a particular area. You don’t need to cater to everyone; you simply cannot. All you need is to ensure that you are great in the area that you have chosen to specialize in. Here are some ideas that will guide you, about how you can stand out from the crowd and run a successful venture.

Deliver great service

Many businesses claim that the services they offer are what makes them unique. This is better done than said. You need to ensure that you are providing incredible service that your clients cannot get from any other place. For instance, giving your customers custom made products and giving them a guarantee for a reasonable timespan.

This lets your client know that you are not interested in just getting sales, but in ensuring that the client receives the best service out of what they’ve bought from you. When you are offering such incredibly amazing services, be assured of your customers coming back time and again and also recommending you to others.

Address the things that hurt customers

This is a great tip. If you want to get more customers, get rid of their pain. For instance, most of you must find visiting a doctor unpleasant. The smell at the hospital and the sight of injured people may not be the best. Many times you will only visit a doctor if the situation is dire. So, to solve this, you can decide to change the atmosphere of your private practice. You can play soft, soothing music, paint the walls a cheerful color and offer your clientele bites such as fruit slices. This way, your clients won’t have to be reminded that they are unwell or get more anxious from focusing on others who are also ill. This will make people prefer visiting your private practice, and you’ll surely stand out.

Do it differently

An obvious tip for standing out from your competition is to do things differently from how they do them. You need to find out the loopholes in their models and exploit those holes. Fix the problems that arise because of these loopholes. For example, if in your field or specialty, other entrepreneurs offer in-house maintenance services for say, the buildings they rent out, find out why. You may find that they build their houses in a substandard manner so that they can profit from the maintenance costs.

Rather than follow this faulty approach, you can let your client choose the contractor that they want and you can work with these contractors. On the other hand, you can recommend a contractor whose services they can involve if they desire. Most importantly, though, you can ensure that your building has high craft standards to reduce the hassle and cost of these repairs and maintenance.

Concentrate on a small niche

When you attempt to cater to everyone’s needs, you end up serving no one. More so if you are offering services. It is not cost-effective for you to adapt your approach to a wide variety of what you deal in. This approach also makes it difficult for other people to tell if your firm is the right one for them. A great approach to take is to point out who your target audience is specifically. When you do this you will make it a simple task for your clientele to know that you are the one who will best serve their needs.

Make it a social business

This is among the best tips that you can take for your business. If you desire to be different, you can choose to turn your business into a social enterprise. This is corporate giving at a higher level. Make your venture one that is actually in business for a good cause. Such will stand out because your clients will know that you are not just another firm selling shoes, electronics or bags. They’ll buy from you because they know that their purchases will make a difference in someone’s life.

These tips will prove to be of great value once you decide to try them out. You can also get a business strategy software to help you make your venture different and better.

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Short Term Loans For An Establishment Of A Successful Business! Sat, 16 Mar 2019 05:39:23 +0000 “THE ROAD OF EXCESS LEADS TO THE PALACE OF WISDOM” (BLAKE, WILLIAM) Are you standing

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Are you standing on the divergent of two roads and confused about which one to choose? If yes, then you must select the left one because that will make you spin around the places to learn some useful learning, which can help you to take-firmed decisions for living a courageous life. You must be thinking why Stella, always pushes you to ‘swim against the wave’. There is a psychological motive behind it, if you opt for the road, which is an easygoing way that can turn you in a non-experienced person. However, the psychology states that an opposite road leads you to explore the shelled paths for better learning.

Going by the fact of psychology let just assume that Sara wants to establish a successful business and she chooses the path, which is against her compatibility. Now, you must be curious to know that, did she manage to build a successful journey or is she lingering with a pause on it? When you plan something solid then you need to check two things: First, is finance and the second is confidence, on the idea of project. Lastly, the short term loans for bad credit with no guarantor can be your hidden tool for financial quagmire.

How Sara started its execution?

Sara is always an early bird which is the best thing about her and that can be the first step towards the execution, wake up early. She believes that the best time to start for any project is to follow a healthy routine because that helps you maintain the stress of a project. While surfing the internet, she found that the direct lenders are providing easy financial solution for the ones, who are tucked with cash problems. Therefore, she makes a map of finances (Plan B) if she sticks in her journey because of finances.

Let just jot down the points which lead her towards the project

  • START WITH SMALL- The step she used first is that she experimented with a small project and observed the outcome of it. This helped her to understand the credibility of the idea of how much she further wanted to expand the project to become handy and successful.
  • MAP ACCORDINGLY- Once she had seen that the idea is now turned into a small business, now it is the time to geared up for the big investment. For that, she needs the full assistance on the financial aid provided by the direct lenders.
  • MANAGEMENT- It is the most important point because it teaches you to deal and to lead the project in a better way. This step allows you to record the involvement of the staff you required for the better management and to make the business run successfully.
  • STRATEGY- Apply the quick-fix strategy whenever you found yourself trapped in a business problem. This can help you wind up the situation that moment and can give you some ample time to think about the apt solution.

Read the list she made for the financial aid

You must understand the motive behind the solutions provided to handle the cash troubles. It will help you to cover the need and allow you proceed in your goal. Therefore, there are several types of short term loans available to uplift the halt and you can get started with the same pace.

Unsecured loans

In this type, you do not have to present any collateral for the loan approval. You can easily get the access for it because it deals with easy online application procedure.

No guarantor loans

This is especially designed for the ones, who are facing difficulty in presenting a guarantor. The role of bringing a guarantor is because he or she can help the borrower if he fails to repay the borrowed amount. With the help of this loan facility, you can relax yourself and lead the loan period on your own.

Long-term loans

It is a type of loan, which is available for 5 or more than 5 years. In this type, you can get the flexible interest rates because you are going to deal with it with long duration. In this borrowing, you can also opt for a secured loan. The direct lenders allow you to set your own date and time for the repayment process.

Bad credit loan

It the most demanding loan because people living in UK are falling in the low credit score. The direct lenders perform ‘no credit check’ feature so that any borrower can avail the policy. It also stores the feature that they do not charge any extra fee on any step of the procedure. With the help of this policy, you can also secure the chance of collecting good credit score.

How did she use the policy for her benefit?

Bad credit loan was the policy she availed from the direct lenders. She required £10,000, which she used to set up the technical things for the development of her business. There was a reason she chose to this policy because she was not having a good credit score and she needs the funds on an urgent basis. With an instant approval, she was able to handle the situation in a decent manner. The best part, she found in the policy was the repayment process; it was very easy which benefited her to manage the loan period in a smart way.

A Suggestion (on behalf of Sara)

You need to be prepared whatever comes to your way because that will help you to grow in your life. If your project does not fulfill what you have expected, do not worry because life has definitely stored something good for you. If you plan, proceed, and trust your guts, then no one can stop you to explore the wonders stored inside you.

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