A Brief Guide to Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits

Have you been involved in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault? Did you know that on average 20-30 million people each year are involved in an accident? If this is you then you’ll no doubt be wondering what to do and how to fix the situation.

Although you will be panicked in the weeks following the crash there are lots you can do to prepare for the case and make sure you get the best result and a result you can live with.

Here’s everything you need to know about fighting a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Always Tell the Truth

If you’re the one being accused of causing the accident and you know that you are guilty of the offense it’s very easy to go down the path of lying. Perhaps you want to underplay what happened so you don’t have to pay out as much. Or perhaps you want to pretend you weren’t involved in the accident altogether.

However, this can lead you down a very dark path. You could be accused of perverting the course of justice or perjury. There could therefore be criminal consequences for your civil case.

If it’s revealed that you lied then you could find yourself facing a higher bill.

Remember that even if you get away with your lie in court you are going to have to live with the lie for a long time to come and it might prevent you from being able to sleep at night.

Get a Great Lawyer

Another aspect of winning a motorcycle accident lawsuit is getting a great lawyer. They will know the ins-and-outs of the case and will be able to help you put together a compelling case.

Consider hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer from this firm as they are specialists who will be able to help you. They also offer no-win-no-fee options to help you fund your lawsuit.

Gather Evidence

You also need to gather evidence for your case. If there is CCTV available, be proactive and hunt it down so that you can use it in court. The best motorcycle accident attorney will help you arrange this.

Advertise in local newspapers and on Facebook groups for witnesses of the events. These could be crucial to your case succeeding.

Under no circumstances should you offer money to witnesses to come forward; this could undermine the entire case.

You also want to learn lessons for when you ride on motorcycles in the future: there were nearly 5,000 motorcycle deaths in 2018. Drive carefully to avoid being one of them.

Involved in a Motorcycle Accident: Lawyer up

Road accidents are common today, even though safety standards have improved. You want to make sure that you lawyer up so that you stand the best chance of winning the case. Don’t be afraid of approaching a motorcycle accident attorney, they are there to help.

Take care of your health first if you were involved in a serious accident and then start your own research for witnesses and CCTV.

If you are interested in learning more about a motorcycle accident then be sure to check out the rest of our site.


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