NETWORKING & SECURITY Blog - Write for Us - Submit Guest Post on Derek Time Best News Website Fri, 31 Mar 2023 15:35:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NETWORKING & SECURITY Blog - Write for Us - Submit Guest Post on Derek Time 32 32 Essential Tips for Businesses to Stay Protected From Potential Cyber Threats Fri, 29 Oct 2021 16:29:41 +0000 Since the pandemic has hit the globe, we have seen a major trend that all

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Since the pandemic has hit the globe, we have seen a major trend that all businesses have been following: digitizing businesses. While business owners can render countless benefits by taking their business online, the downside is that they have to deal with potential cyber security threats, which is where the importance of cyber risk management comes in. 

It is not only the big, long-established businesses under constant cyber threats, but, according to research, smaller businesses run a greater risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. It is very important to find a platform that provides unified communications security to keep your data safe.

Understandably, a single cyberattack can cause serious damage to businesses to the extent that it might even cause a business to shut down entirely.

Here are some essential tips for businesses on how they can stay protected from potential cyber threats. Read on to learn more!

Maintain Data Backup

Having a proper data backup and maintaining it properly can help businesses recover all information and files in case they lose it by chance or as a result of a cyberattack. Having a proper backup system can save you money and time, while it is one of the easiest ways to stay safe from potential cyber-attacks. 

A proper backup system for your business should include daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual backups. Make sure that all employees check their systems regularly for backups. In case your business faces a cyberattack, you ought to have a plan B ready in the form of the offsite storage of portable devices.

You can also ensure that your official and business data has a proper backup by incorporating a cloud storage solution. However, make sure that the solution uses encryption for the storing and transferring of crucial business data. Only allow trusted personnel to access the cloud storage solution.  

Only Use a Secure Network

All official devices, software, and network need to be secured, and the easy way to do this is by updating everything regularly. It is recommended to ensure that the operating system and the relevant software are updated automatically. Usually, updates also incorporate essential security upgrades that are perfectly built to deal with recent malware and viruses. 

The installation of good security software cannot be ignored. If you have a team of remote workers, you may ask them to install the best security software, which is perfectly built to deal with spyware, spam, and viruses. Malware and viruses can obstruct everything from your windows to mobile devices.  

Additionally, using a proxy server can also be an effective way to encrypt data when accessing the internet. It acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet, allowing you to browse the web anonymously and securely. By routing your internet traffic through a proxy server, your data is encrypted and protected from potential hackers or malicious actors. Additionally, proxy servers can help bypass geographical restrictions and provide additional layers of security for remote workers accessing company resources. It’s important to choose a reputable and trustworthy proxy server provider to ensure maximum security and privacy.

Use Spam Filters 

Another tip to save your business from cyber threats is the use of spam filters which not only decrease spam in general but, in particular, save your employees from receiving phishing emails. Usually, phishing emails and spam in your email accounts are used to obtain confidential information while infecting your computer system in general. 

The best thing to deal with spam and phishing emails is to delete them without opening them. However, you can also train your employees on how to avoid phishing emails altogether. The application of spam filters greatly reduces spam filters and decreases the number of accidents of employees clicking on spam and phishing emails. 

Proper Monitoring of Computer Systems

As an employer, you ought to keep track of all computer devices and software that are used inside and outside the office premises. Make sure that your employees have different passwords for their personal emails and office emails.

Employees should also be careful about how and where they keep their official devices and to which network they connect their computer equipment to. Avoid all kinds of public Wi-Fi, and if you have to use one, make sure to use VPN. Make sure to remove all information before discarding old computer equipment. 

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Phishing Links Now Appear in Customer Complaint Messages Thu, 30 Apr 2020 07:56:28 +0000 Phishing attacks had come a long way from the classic Nigerian Prince scam (which still

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Phishing attacks had come a long way from the classic Nigerian Prince scam (which still rakes in over $700,000 per year!) Last week, the Bleeping Computer reported a new type of attack involving customer complaint messages.

Cybercriminals send fake emails, pretending to be a “corporate lawyer” of the company. Playing on the fear and interest of unsuspecting employees, they use subject lines like “Re: customer complaint in [Your company].” The emails look convincing enough. Even people who don’t fall for it click on the links for the sake of curiosity.

From here, the user is instructed to download a PDF that contains a malicious executable file. One download and the file injects itself into the Windows OS and connects to the hacker’s remote command server. It allows them to gain access to network data and inflict further damage.

These Attacks Are More Common Than You Think

This month’s attack may be from a “corporate lawyer.” But it demonstrates the more substantial threat that phishing poses in general. 91% of all hacks start with an email. And even if you would never fall for this one, even cybersecurity experts admit phishing attempts have fooled them.

Phishing can take many forms. Sometimes attacks may pretend to be senior-level staff asking for contact information. Or they may set up imitations of web pages that look identical to the real sites where users input login credentials.

In some cases, they may even use spear phishing techniques to target vulnerable companies directly. Then hackers use this information to launch ransomware attacks. These lock firms out of essential files until they pay a considerable ransom fee.

In the current business climate, no company can afford to be the victim of phishing or another form of cyber-attack. It’s time to start protecting your business.

How To Out-Smart Hackers and Other Threats

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure when it comes to warding off cybercriminals. Businesses must recognize areas that make them vulnerable and take steps to protect themselves.

Network Security

The internet is your firm’s channel to the open world. And while it is essential for communication, research, marketing, and more, it’s also where the vast majority of threats come from.

The most crucial measure is safeguarding internet connections and remote access to business platforms. That’s what a virtual private network (VPN) is for. A VPN encrypts all internet activity, ensuring that hackers can’t launch man-in-the-middle attacks.

Next, invest in email security tools like anti-spam filters, web firewalls, and other software solutions. They can prevent phishing emails from showing up in your inbox in the first place.

Knowledgeable Employees

Ensure that all employees, no matter the department, know how to recognize phishing emails. They should also practice caution opening any email, even if sent by a known contact.

Moreover, make sure everyone in your company scans all files and links before downloading or clicking on them. It is the best way to ensure a file is legitimate and doesn’t contain any malware.

If an employee is ever unsure about an email, they should always verify the sender is who they claim to be before taking any action on it.

Following The Best Security Practices

The right security apps and strategies protect you from cyber dangers. They also ensure the health of your data in the event of hardware failure or data loss.

And it starts with the basics — securing all accounts with unique and complex passwords. The easiest way to do this is with password managers.

Likewise, create both local and cloud-backups for all essential files and resources. And don’t leave the data in the open. Use encryption tools to ensure only authorized personnel has access to them.

Then if hackers ever do manage to penetrate your network, they won’t be able to get their hands on anything important.

New Phishing Attacks, Same Old Problem

Whether it’s a fake customer complaint, a message from the tax authorities, or any other phishing attack, it’s always the same problem. These attacks will never go away. They only become more complex and sophisticated as time goes on.

That’s why you should invest in the right cybersecurity education and tools for both yourself and your employees. So much of it is free or extremely affordable! Arm yourself with knowledge and the right software. It’s time to protect your company from phishing and all other types of dangerous cyber-attacks.

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6 Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Commercial Security System Tue, 25 Feb 2020 17:59:38 +0000 As business owners, we are used to upgrades to computer software and hardware, getting our

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As business owners, we are used to upgrades to computer software and hardware, getting our communication systems up to the latest standard and renewing the skills of our employees. We tend to forget about the one basic system that protects our commercial properties along with our stock, equipment and vehicles. Let’s take a look at the signs that highlight you need to invest in a wireless alarm system or upgrade your current system.

1. The system is at least five years old and is not mobile friendly

It could be that you inherited the security system when you took over the premises or you had them built and a system installed that was fit for purpose at the time. If something goes wrong and you cannot easily get a replacement for the old system, it is definitely time to upgrade. If you did fit a wireless system at the time but the software or hardware have not been updated, this gives the opportunist thief an easier target when trying to find the vulnerability in the system.

If you cannot access a number of functions of the current security system by use of a smart phone or remote system, it is also time to change. Being able to arm the system, remotely control lighting, door locks, cameras and much more, will save you time and give you peace of mind.

2. There have been changes to the business

As the company has changed or expanded, it could be there are areas of the property that are not protected adequately. A wireless alarm system is a smart piece of technology that can grow and adapt with your business plans and is very easy to install. If you have added on extensions or separate buildings that need protection, there are wireless 3G kits that you can buy so that you can have security that is tailor made for your needs.

3. The system uses landlines to alert your security firm or the police

As technology has gotten smarter, so has the common criminal and, if you are still using a landline to connect to the police or security firm once an alert goes off, you need to upgrade. Today’s would-be thief can search the internet to establish where phone lines are located and from there, it is a simple matter when on-site to cut the line, if they think it is linked to the security system.

With a wireless system including WiFi cameras, this makes it much more difficult for a burglar to access and close down. Plus, with remote monitoring of the site, you can get alerts on your smartphone if anyone accesses the site or enters onto the premises.

4. The current system uses wired sensors

Again, this is a weak point in your security system that thieves will target as they can very easily be disabled. This is not the case with a system that uses WiFi because the sensors are less visible and therefore not as easy to render useless. A wireless alarm system will provide you with door and window sensors that are wireless, giving greater security, peace of mind and may even help reduce insurance premiums.

5. The current system has low resolution cameras

The older cameras do not give the best picture quality, nor do they have the storage capacity that new systems provide. High definition cameras provide a better-quality video, and depending on where they are positioned, could pick up on details such as makes of vehicles and even registration details as well as clearer images for the police to use.

6. Staff still use a key to access the premises

Key and lock systems are reliable but keys can easily be copied, staff could lose a key or have them stolen and using a key means that other than having a list of key holders, you don’t know who, and when people are going in and out of the premises. Having a keypad to access the building also logs exactly who is coming on site and when staff leave, it is very easy to change the access code to prevent any unwanted visitors.

If you recognise any of the above as applying to your business – it is time you upgraded your commercial security system today.

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8 Best Practices in Cybersecurity Sun, 26 Jan 2020 15:17:26 +0000 In the business world, it is all too easy for IT security practices to be

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In the business world, it is all too easy for IT security practices to be overlooked. But this can be at the expense of the many businesses that are the victims of cybercrime every year. The UK has been subject to 159 million data breaches since 2013, and research carried out by IBM showed the average cost of data breaches to be £3.1 million on average. This should be a concern for businesses of all sizes, as figures from Statistica show that 40 percent of small businesses had experienced cybersecurity breaches or attacks in 2019. This can be compared with 60 percent of medium-sized companies and 61 percent of large companies.

As a city that leads in tech industries, London cybersecurity companies are not difficult to locate. However, it is also essential to ensure that the company you choose offers services of the highest quality.

Develop a security policy

When IT security is carried out within an organisation in disjointed solutions that do not give consideration to the bigger picture, the result will be a lack of coherence. Cybersecurity should be a part of a policy that is integrated into the business strategy, and protocols should be made for every area of business.

Policies need to account for such things as cloud computing, security audits, IoT, data backup and social media security. They also need to address potential areas of weakness, which may be found in new media and technologies.

Backup regularly

Backing up data is an important practice to prepare against cyber attacks and other types of data loss. Guidelines commonly recommend for backups to be carried out from between once a day and once a week, with higher frequency bringing a higher level of security. Frequent backups also help organisations achieve compliance, as up-to-date information always needs to be made available.

It is best for on-premises backups to be stored at a distance from business operations, to prepare against disasters. All data should be stored with full encryption and backup duties should be shared by several people.

Access control management

Many data breaches originate from insiders, which means access should be supervised and controlled to prevent unauthorised intrusion into the network. Privileged access and third-party access management can be used to limit the individuals who are given access and the levels of access they are granted.

Access to sensitive data must be closely controlled to minimise the insider threat, so the principles of privileged access and network security management can be used to control access more carefully. The activities of third parties, such as contractors, consultants, business associates and vendors, must also be monitored and regulated.

Use only up-to-date equipment

Systems that have not received required updates can represent a large area of vulnerability for organisations, as they are weaknesses to be exploited by hackers and malware. All areas need to be kept modern and updated, from firewall devices to network routers. System monitoring needs to be carried out regularly and updates should be applied to software as soon as they are available.

Implement endpoint security solutions

The security between endpoint devices and their bridging to a network is referred to as endpoint security. Client devices can include laptops, mobile devices or other wireless devices that are connected to a corporate network, and these can pose a significant security risk.

Endpoint security solutions include anti-malware, anti-spyware and antivirus programmes, application control, browser isolation, network access control and URL filtering. These can all be handled with a single software solution, but it needs to have wide coverage and be appropriate for the individual organisation. It also needs to be monitored and updated on a continual basis.

Manage your passwords securely

When passwords are too simple or easy to guess, brute force attack software can apply various combinations and break through them with relative ease. For this reason, passwords need to keep the highest levels of security to maintain security. Password generators are one way of achieving this, finding the strongest passwords with combinations of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols.

Password managers, such as Dashlane, can help to change passwords on a regular basis. Authentication should be applied to the strongest level, which is currently multi-factor authentication. This adds extra protection in the form of a phone call, SMS message or security token, and should always be applied where sensitive data is used.

Network security governance

With a network security governance structure that is clear and easy to follow for employees and cybersecurity analysts, potential threats can be identified and steps can be taken to combat them. In addition to a cybersecurity policy, a network security governance structure will help to manage and maintain a clear cybersecurity system.

Following best practice guidelines from regulatory authorities, such as DSS, PCI, ISO and HIPAA, can assist in cybersecurity governance. Cybersecurity needs are particular to every industry, and risks can be country specific. Risk assessment should be carried out on a regular basis, both to avoid data breaches and the fines incurred through failing to meet compliance regulations.

Train and Track your Employees

With data breaches and cyber threats occurring daily and in a variety of ways, it is essential that employees are adequately trained. This means not only training in the practices used to combat cybercrime, but also an education in the importance of these actions.

Phishing accounts for 90 percent of all cyberattacks on small businesses, so all employees need to understand how these threats work as well as the damage they can cause. It should not be assumed that employees are well informed on the dangers of cybercrime, so the potential threats, the potential losses and the best practices should be made clear.

Apart from training, employers must take a cautious approach towards employees as most of the data leaks tend to be an inside job. The threat of corporate espionage is real and could have devastating effects. One effective way to keep an eye on employees is through monitoring their digital correspondence and whereabouts. Investing in the employee monitoring app could be of great help. You could install in on the company cell phones and ensure that your employees are not leaking information, going to websites that could maliciously attack your system, wasting time on social media, or possibly involved in a scam or anything illegal/suspicious. The app tracks text messages, calls, emails, and even locations.

Say there are some areas at the company where the entrance of non-authorized personnel isn’t allowed, you can make sure that no one is bypassing the restrictions. See that you mention about the monitoring of devices in the employment contract.

Cybercrime is a huge threat to the world, and globally it even represents a greater transfer of wealth than the trade of illegal narcotics. This crime is growing fast every year, so all businesses and individuals need to be made fully aware of the risks, as well as the best ways to deal with them. We may all fall victim to cybercrime at least once, so the best we can do it to be prepared.

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Top Network Security Threats Of 2020 Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:23:03 +0000 Start your new year by utilizing all the countermeasures that will keep hackers at a

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Start your new year by utilizing all the countermeasures that will keep hackers at a long distance and cyber-attacks far away from your business.

One cannot predict when new cyber threats can emerge. However, we have made a list of top cyber security threats that we expect in 2020.

1. Drive-by download

In the past, you have right by which you cannot refuse to download from the source you didn’t trust. But now, it is not that easy. The attack drive-by download will make malicious code to get downloaded from any internet website either through an app or browser without the user’s approval. These websites are designed in a way that they look real but they are the host for various kinds of malevolent codes. These codes have the power to get into your system by crossing all the security.

2. Computer Worms and Viruses

These are the programs that too malicious one that can infect your system completely and destroy the system data. These also have the power to make your network inoperable. Worms are those programs that can inject your documents, spreadsheets or any other files. However, viruses will attach with the host file or system, but they will be dormant until times are activated.  Once these malicious programs enter your system, they will replicate itself and then eventually all of your networks will get infected.

3. Phishing Attacks

This is a type of social engineering attack which is specially designed to steal the login credential be it of emails, credit cards or any other financial information application.If you reply to their emails or messages or if you even enter your financial details, it will directly reach the malicious sources.

4. DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service)

A DDOS attack is one of the most common cyber-attacks that is used for attacking businesses. This attack is targeted towards host servers and then your server becomes completely inoperable. Be it a server or cloud both can suffer significant damage because of DDOS attacks. Moreover, if you are selling your products online then after this attack you can even lose millions of dollars in a single day.

5. Botnets

If you want to plan a cyber-attack of a massive level, then botnet can be used. They are a powerful network that can be controlled remotely to launch the attack by command & control network. The botnets are so powerful that they can be used to launch the cyber-attacks even in your secure system or network and they have the power to crash site completely.

6. Exploit Kits

Hackers are finding new ways to exploit the data of users. This is a kit can be used in any stage to exploit user’s data either during starting a scan or while they have landed on any website. Hacker usually purchases these kits from the dark web. You can ever say that the exploit kit is all in one tool that is known for managing all the exploits together.

7. Ransomware

This cyber threat is one such threat that can make you lose partial or complete data of your business. It is a dangerous malware that can infect the database, corrupt the files or even can delete the file.People may use this malware totakehefty ransom from companies by blackmailing themby attacking their server or infect their system using this stubborn malware.

8. APT Threats

It is a form of attack where an uncertified code will enter your system and will stay there undetected for a longer time. They are silent types of cyber-attack where code will silently steal financial data from your system as well as other critical information. APT takes help from other forms of cyber security threats to get the initial access it can be your login credentials or PIN. Once APT get into your system then it will infect your data and network.

If you have knowledge about various cyber security attacks then only you can improve the security system of your business. However, the work of hackers and IT professionals are like a cat and mouse game that has no end. Moreover, you have to always make sure to win this game either by hook or by the crook. If you want to learn some tricks by which you can avoid all types of cyber threats then join the course of cyber security certification online. You have to make yourself ready for the battle with the cyber threat so that you and your business does not have to suffer.

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Cybersecurity for Startups: What You Need to Know Sat, 09 Mar 2019 14:53:06 +0000 Far too many modern businesses function under the false pretense that cyber hackers only target

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Far too many modern businesses function under the false pretense that cyber hackers only target large-scale established companies. Due to this pretense, a large percentage of startups neglect to keep their data safe online. This ultimately results in their suffering the consequences of a breach. Because of the common lack of assets, new startups often have the least secure sites, records and system frameworks. This lack of security makes attacks relatively simple to hackers across the web. In order to keep your startup safe, consider implementing these “hacks” to help your company avoid being hacked:

Information Breaches

Startup owners should make themselves aware of as many basic cyber attack trends and methods as possible. One of these methods includes information breaches. Information breaches occur when cybercriminals aim to steal your organization’s information by accessing your databases illegally without your knowledge. Many organizations, such as Yahoo and Equifax, have suffered the consequences of large-scale data breaches in recent years. While these large attacks may seem far-off from happening to your startup due to the difference in size, smaller attacks happen just as frequently and can be just as detrimental. For startups, these smaller attacks can be disastrous to the success of a company because of the lack of resources. These resources would help contain and clean up an attack after it occurs. Because of this, having the proper tools to handle breaches can make or break the prosperity of a startup.

Establish Access Control

The first thing you’ll want to do is inform your employees what threats look like online. This will help them detect and avoid falling victim to spam or phishing emails. Spam emails are unsolicited junk emails that come from unknown sites. Phishing emails are meant to impersonate someone you trust to trick you into forfeiting personal information. To further protect yourself against these types of emails, establish access control to all accounts by creating strong passwords, delegating administration and non-admin accesses to employees with different responsibilities and setting up non-disclosure conditions for internal staff members. Strong passwords include a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, special characters (!, @, #, % or * for example), and should be void of personal qualifiers that could be easy to guess, such as names or addresses.

Keep Systems up to Date

Along with updating passwords comes the need to update software and security programs such as antivirus, firewall and antispam. These tools help secure your devices from outside intruders, malware, and viruses by scanning folders for disruptions in your systems. If your devices were to become infected with malware, hackers would have access to all sensitive company information. They would also have the ability to steal that information or lock up files while asking for ransom. Running antivirus programs will allow you to stay ahead of cyber thieves by detecting security holes you may not know exist in your devices and reporting on suspicious behavior in real time.

Once these programs have been implemented, keep your internet browsers protected by updating the software as soon as possible. From there, keep past, present, and future company information safe by developing a backup plan for data on company hardware. Implement an automatic backup system to save your data immediately, or dedicate one employee to manually backup data daily. This way, you’ll reduce the risk of losing sensitive documents by having a second copy stored in an external drive, cloud or disk.

Use Safe Tools

Because most of your business transactions happen online nowadays, there’s an increased need to upgrade your communication tools to ensure they are secure. Whether your employees spend the majority of their time making phone calls, sending emails or interacting via virtual meetings, they likely use multiple different devices every day. To avoid purchasing brand new company devices, consider implementing cloud capabilities to your pre-existing devices. This provides you with the same effect, but with a more affordable price tag. Do your due diligence in research and be sure to choose a cloud that offers secure communication tools. This will ensure your business stays protected throughout all communication efforts. Hosting your classified information in the cloud makes it easy for authorized personnel to work from any physical location, which grants them the flexibility to conduct everyday business from home or to generally stay connected to the office while on the go.

Lock Down Personal Devices

The number of workers that use their own personal mobile devices for business-related activity has risen significantly in the small business world in the past few years. Unfortunately, along with the benefits of using your own devices comes various risks as well. In order to help your company minimize these risks, first, formalize a ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) policy. Having a specific plan set in stone will provide your employees the knowledge of how to act appropriately, along with a secondary safety net to combat potential legal repercussions as well. Draft up a comprehensive, clear, and customized policy. This policy should include parameters around data deletion, physical location tracking, and internet monitoring.  

Once you have established this policy, be sure to analyze the results to learn from your findings. A lot of small businesses adopt BYOD policies for ease and increased productivity due to the competence and comfort employees have with their devices. Unfortunately, not all of those companies take the time to analyze the necessary costs associated as well. Double-check that your BYOD policy is helping your company, rather than hurting it. Monitor employee usage and make the necessary changes based on your initial analysis.

Following these tips will set your small business venture up for success by locking down sensitive information that needs to be kept confidential. Whether you focus on establishing access control or focus on using safe tools, all of these tips are financially feasible for startups to implement right away. Help your company combat the risks of cyber attackers and ensure your business will run smoothly for years to come.

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Modern Approaches to Corporate Information Security Management Sun, 03 Mar 2019 06:59:30 +0000 Globalization has a huge number of advantages. Now companies work globally with the development of

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Globalization has a huge number of advantages. Now companies work globally with the development of different technologies. The almost complete disappearance of borders gave birth to a new problem- how to protect the information of your enterprise?

Any leakage of information from your organisation can lead to serious problems for the company – from significant financial losses to complete liquidation. Industrial espionage, the enticement of qualified specialists and hacking attempts always pose a challenge to small as well as big companies.

So, these days, companies pay attention to Corporate Information Security Management. It is understood as the security of information and the entire company against deliberate or accidental actions, resulting in damage to its owners or users. Ensuring information security is aimed at preventing risks and eliminating their negative consequences. Have a look at some ways to ensure Corporate Information Security Management.

A Safe Website

A lot of important business information and customer data is stored on the website’s server. Customers leave a lot of data on retail, E-commerce, and business websites when they have to make transactions and place orders. Professional website hackers & cyber criminals look for this information to make financial benefit out of that, damage the reputation of the brand and shut down the online business completely.

Website hacking always brings about negative ramifications. You lose the trust of your customers. Search engines look down upon your site and may delete it from their databases.

Therefore, you should take different measures to protect your site. Use strong and unpredictable login details and keep changing it from time-to-time. Add SSL certificate to your site and use plugins to prevent online security threats automatically. Block professional spammers and unwanted users from accessing the site. For this, you can use the CAPTCHA. Conduct website security audits at regular intervals to explore security loopholes and fix them on the spot.

Use Modern Software to Track Employees Activities in The Company

Corporate Information Security Management always starts with employees working with your company. There are many cases when employees commit misconduct on simple ignorance or negligence, transfer confidential information about the company to a third party or competitors for economic benefits. Therefore, companies must work with employees and let them realize their responsibilities when it comes to information security.

It should be understood that corporate information security is the responsibility of all employees. There are several cases wherein high ranking business individuals were involved in unlawful actions, play a double game, enjoy their privileges and abuse access to confidential information of the organization, and steal valuable information in order to gain profit for its disclosure. Most often, leaks occur against the background of negligence and carelessness.

So, you must regularly track the actions of all employees on computers with the use of modern tracking software. It helps you to determine the date of arrival and departure of an employee, the period of absence from the workplace, their contributions, and websites they visited during the work period. Electronic monitoring of employees lets you discover dishonest employees and falling the sensitive information about your business into the wrong hands.

Use the CRM Software for Information Accumulation & Processing

Many business organisations have to deal with a huge amount of time on a daily basis and offer personalised business solutions to customers. A business marketing individual always finds it difficult to store and manage multiple data on a computer, laptop, pendrive, etc. Therefore, you should use the CRM software for automatic data collection, storage and optimisation. Allow only reliable individuals to access the data stored on the CRM software and active two-step verification on it. Only authorised individuals can have access to the data stored on the CRM software.

Protect Your Computers & Laptops

The security of computers and laptops is important if you are really serious about Corporate Information Security Management. It has been observed that many companies use free or pirated software for conducting business operations.

This makes it easier for professional cybercriminals to inject malicious viruses or malware in your computer and fetch all data stored on it. Therefore, you should use high-quality and recognised OS, antivirus, firewall, browser, and other software to conduct daily business operations and ensure the protection of data created or stored on it. Protect computer with a strong password and limit access to it.

Protect Your Mobile Devices

With the growing pace of business mobility, mobile devices are used to conduct important business operations. Always keep in mind that Internet-enabled mobile devices are always prone to different types of online security threats. So, take all possible measures to protect the mobile device used for business activities. Use antivirus, safe browsers, and password protection technique to transfer data from one place to another with safety.

Use video Surveillance System

In simple words, video surveillance is a process of visual control and automatic image analysis. With its help, you can easily record the facts of theft or misappropriation of property and other activities. The camera data may reflect non-compliance with labor discipline, the disloyal attitude of employees, and illegal behavior in the company.

The video surveillance industry has changed significantly over the past few years. Many users prefer their system to be connected over the network to their computers. The main advantage of this solution is that you can watch and listen to the video/audio content your system, get access to the computer network and disable hacking attempts. Experts in the installation of video surveillance systems diligently study the new vulnerabilities of the security system and offer you smart solutions. Even with the basic configuration of the video surveillance system, you can eliminate 99% of attempts to steal your sensitive information.

Backup Important Business data

This solution implies storing important information not only on a specific computer but also on other devices: external storage or a server. the service of remote storage of various information in the “cloud” of data centers has become particularly relevant as it can protect a company in the event of an emergency. You can backup and restore data at any time and in any geographic location.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Develop a disaster recovery plan for emergency situations. Such a plan is necessary for each company in order to eliminate the risk of downtime as quickly as possible and ensure business continuity 24*7. If a company cannot get access to its information resources due to some reasons, having such a plan will help reduce the time for restoring the information system and preparing it for work.

End-to-end Data Protection

Just use end-to-end encryption to ensure the confidentiality of information during its transmission in electronic format. It allows you to confirm the authenticity of the transmitted information, protect it when stored on open media, software and other information resources of the company from unauthorized access and use.

Final Remarks

The protection of corporate information should be carried out comprehensively in several directions at regular intervals. The more methods are used, the less the likelihood of security threats and data leakage. Best of Luck!

Author Bio

Lisa Cooper work as a blogger with Fixtel – an Australian owned and operated telecommunications company offers enterprise cabling & security solutions in Australia. She loves to write insightful blogs & articles on the security Gadgets and Components of a Telecommunications System.

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Electric Safety Tips Every Family Should Follow Fri, 01 Mar 2019 18:48:05 +0000 Electricity has made our lives easy and comfortable. Almost all the devices and appliances we

The post Electric Safety Tips Every Family Should Follow appeared first on Derek Time.

Electricity has made our lives easy and comfortable. Almost all the devices and appliances we use today run on electricity. The air conditioners we use to keep our homes cool and warm run on power. Our life runs around the appliances and gadgets that run on electricity.

Our computers, phones, lights, fans, microwave ovens, and even wireless devices need electricity to function. One cannot imagine a daily routine without power. However, there are many risks associated with the use of electricity.

There are risks of electric shock and fires associated with the use of electricity and electric appliances. However, most people are not aware of the risks and do not consider using it safely. Let us check some electrical safety tips that every family must follow at their home and other places.

Use the appliances correctly

The appliances you use at home should always be of good quality. Never buy cheap and low-quality appliances as they can get worn within a few months and can cause a short circuit or fire. The devices such as televisions, computers and refrigerator that generate heat should be kept with some space from the walls for free circulation of air.

Use the devices in stock condition

Do not perform any upgrades or modifications on the electric appliances and use them in stock condition and follow the instructions as recommended by the manufacturer. Any modification or upgrade can reduce the safety of the device and also lead to violation of warranty.

Using electricity in wet environments

You should not operate any electric switch or appliance with wet hands or bare feet or while standing in water. One needs to be careful while using electrical devices in the bathroom as there is a high risk of electric shocks in the wet environments.

Don’t overload the outlets

Many people overload electric outlets by plugging in multiple devices. This overloads the electrical circuit, and it leads to overheating and burning of the wires. Also, keep all the outlets covered when not in use for protection of kids and pets. There should be no loose wires or open boards that can be accessed by the children.

Light bulbs

Light bulbs are the devices that every house and other place use for lighting. It is essential to use the correct power of light bulbs as using a high power bulb on a light fixture can overheat the fixture. Forget the incandescent bulbs that cause a lot of heat and start using the energy efficient CFL and LED bulbs. They consume low electricity and do not overheat the fixtures.

Always install the light bulbs tightly in the fixtures, and a loosely fitted lamp can cause sparks and shorts. The light bulb should not flicker at any time. If you see a light bulb flickering, it means that it is faulty or loose fitted into the fixture. You need to replace the bulb or fixture for proper fitting.

Use of Electric Cords

The electric cords should be used as recommended for the electrical appliances only. Always use the cables for the installation of electrical devices and not for other purposes such a jump ropes or cloth lines etc. You need to check the cords regularly for any cuts, cracks or kinks and cover them adequately with insulation tapes.

Use the extension cords as minimum as possible as they can overload a circuit. Use proper length and weight of extension cord and use it on correct voltage outlets whether indoor or outdoor.

Outdoor electrical safety

In addition to the indoor protection, you need to consider outdoor electrical safety as well.  Do not pant the trees or shrubs near the power lines. If you have any electric lines near your house make sure your trees do not interfere with them. Prune the trees regularly and make sure they do not reach the power lines.

Do not fly any balloons, kites or model aircraft near the power lines. Never try to approach or touch a downed power line; instead, inform the authorities about such issues as soon as possible. Moreover, you should not allow your children to play in a park or areas with electric lines.

Do not stand or park vehicles near a transformer as they comprise high electromagnetic fields that are bad for human health.

Electrical Maintenance

You need to maintain your electrical fixtures and appliances regularly to keep them in safe and good working condition. Do not use outdated appliances or worn wires in a circuit. In case of any electrical problems call a professional to get it fixed immediately. Any delay in the maintenance of electrical circuits can lead to accidents.

Final Words

In addition to these tips for electrical safety at home, you need to take care of the installation of appliances. Always get the appliances and new circuits installed by qualified professionals like electrical contractors QLD Australia. Considering the electrical safety tips in this post can help every family to make their house a safe place to live.

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Stay Shielded From Bot NET Using The Latest Technologies in Cyber Security Wed, 20 Feb 2019 17:08:42 +0000 With the ever-growing base of IoT (internet of all things), it is a fact that

The post Stay Shielded From Bot NET Using The Latest Technologies in Cyber Security appeared first on Derek Time.

With the ever-growing base of IoT (internet of all things), it is a fact that sophisticated cyber criminals are finding newer routes to spread e-terror. However, before understanding the evil design of cyber criminals let us have a look at what botnet is, briefly. An internet bot is basically a software application, which is programmed to perform designated tasks, over the internet. Bots can perform simply as well as repetitive tasks, like web indexing. Therefore, a botnet is a number of interconnected computers, which are designated to execute specific bots. This workhorse of the internet can be used for many positive and value-added task, which benefits the network or the user. However, the same can be programmed to create havoc over the internet, by hacking classified business information.

Some serious threats developed from botnet

  1. Distributed denial of service attack
  2. Click fraud
  3. Adware
  4. Spyware
  5. E-mail spam
  6. Scareware
  7. Secretly staking victim

The botnet is extensively used for DDoS (denial of service attacks), spam attacks and data theft of highly classified business information. The owner of the botnet can control the same, with the help of command and control software. Botnets are becoming the larger part of the discussion about cyber security protocol. However, there are no single defence mechanisms that can give protection from the botnet. A bot infection starts from downloading a virus-laden file, where the individual can control the system with the help of the IRC server. The botnet can also play havoc by spreading fake news in social media. It is also used to mine crypto currencies like bitcoins, by highly sophisticated cyber criminals.

To create a botnet, botmasters need to have as many connected devices like computers, laptops, smartphones, etc as possible. More the number of devices or bots connected bigger is the malicious net. Now when they wish to attack the chosen devices, they just have to unleash the army of bots, to overload the website with malicious contents, to the point that it stops working. Trojan horse virus is a common carrier for botnet attacks, which affects millions of machines at one go. More advanced bots are programmed to find out devices automatically and self propagate. They constantly search the web for vulnerable devices, which does not have proper antivirus system. It is very tough to detect botnet, as the same uses a very small amount of computer power, which may disrupt normal device function. Advance botnets can also adapt and upgrade their behavior so that it becomes impossible to track and destroy them. This is where organizations need to have the power of the latest security measures, which can nullify even the most dangerous botnet design.

Some effective measures to search and destroy botnets

The botnet can be fought with the help of different active and passive measures, which includes the analysis of traffic between bot and botmaster. Some botnets using HTTP service are more difficult to detect, as the communication between the master and the bot is encrypted. Organizations must employ a technology partner who has extensive experience in fault monitoring tools, ITIL, Cloud product development, and application development.

  • CISCO ASA (adaptive security appliance)- This is basically a Cisco proprietary firewall system, which offers extensive features like inspection, traffic policing, and threat prioritizing. It also has the ability to filter packets based on the ACLs or anti-X-protection.
  • Botnet filtering- This is also commonly known as reputation-based filtering, which is nothing but a preventive measure taken to prevent botnet attack. With the help of Cisco Security intelligence operations, they have created a detailed list of IP/domains around the world which is blacklisted. This is maintained in a database format, which is accessed by Cisco ASA as and when required.

Some components of Cisco botnet filters

  • DNS (Domain name system) snooping- This is used by botnet traffic filter, in order to map IP addresses that are contained in dynamic databases. DNS snooping is also used in conjunction with DNS inspection, to build a DNS reverse cache, which is used to map IP addresses and configured by modular policy framework.
  • Traffic classification and reporting system- It is also configured via the dynamic filter, which compares the source and destination addresses, against the reported IP addresses.
  • Dynamic and administered blacklist data- This is like a database of malicious domain names and IP addresses, which helps the Cisco intelligence to plan their combat operations.

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3 ways AWS will stupefy the industries with its impeccable offerings! Mon, 11 Feb 2019 16:49:14 +0000 Cloud computing with Amazon Web Services is sure to have a lot of benefits for

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Cloud computing with Amazon Web Services is sure to have a lot of benefits for the world. When a business shifts the app development and data to the cloud, the company does enjoy a lot more efficiency and flexibility. At the same time, they are able to use more advanced technology. Amazon Web Services is used almost everywhere, and by a variety of different firms. Starting from manufacturing firms to warehousing companies, AWS has the potential to serve a wide variety of companies. Therefore, it is regarded as one of the top cloud computing companies across the globe. Therefore the revenue of AWS is also increasing, though it was already $17.459 billion in the year 2017

Cloud Computing is as it is known as the paradigm for IT solutions. They offer the users on-demand access to resources. Cloud computing is much more than just a model for stocking, and managing the data online. The market is huge, hence, cloud providers can evidently witness the tremendous demand. Also, they have sensed the exponential future growth. Therefore, various companies are investing humongous amount of money to create fantastic infrastructure for Cloud computing Services.

AWS has supported small sized startups to companies with billion-dollar budgets. Hence, AWS is being used almost by every type of firm. As, it provides a host of options which are not just economical but also very efficient. Therefore a large number of companies have started opting and implementing Amazon Web Services, including the industrial firms.

The Airline Industry is stunned with the use of AWS

Cloud computing is adopted even by the airlines industry. There is a lot that AWS makes it easy for the industry. Starting from emission controls, forecasting the travel times, recognizing aircraft, modelling traffic etc. That is why the industry has even adopted AWS and it offers the industry an extremely scalable infrastructure. One of the key uses of cloud computing has been the ease of managing the availability via a single source, by websites, operators etc. and for different channels.

AWS offers the airlines the golden chance to leverage the advantages of the cloud for a variety of activities like application creation, handling the great amount of content and data. Some of the airlines like Qantas, LOT Polish, Ryanair and GOL Airlines have already opted AWS for their cloud computing needs.

The prime example of Tata Group using AWS

TATA Motors is one of the components of Tata groups who are making full use of the AWS features. The multination automobile company has spent years in the market. And, now, even thy think that it is the right time to adopt the cloud computing technology. AWS functions are being used by the telemetric tools as well as the customer portal. TATA Motors has even developed a specific system to estimate the spares demand with the help of inventory and order patterns. Amazon Web Services is offering the company, the much needed infrastructure to enable the experts do experimental work. Also, it is helping the firm save a lot of time.

Listed below are the top 3 reasons and ways that AWS has helped the industrial firms

1. Ease of investment

The best thing about Amazon web Services is that you can opt for different packages for your company. You don’t have to spend a big amount of money straightaway. A plenty of firms have their own high and low periods. Therefore, if a firm requires less or more resources, the companies can easily include or deduct the resources without any hassle. You would not have to waste a lot of time or money to make the amendments. AWS makes it very easy to pay for only what you require. Doesn’t matter whether you are a small sized firm or a big MNC. You can choose the features that you need.

2. No contract

Amazon cloud services is preferred by so many firms because of a lot of reasons including the factors like ‘nil commitment fees’. You won’t have to worry about any AWS service you choose to use. There would be absolutely no commitment and you won’t be locked into anything. At the same time, there isn’t any minimum spend which is required to make use of their services as well. The process of payment is very transparent and adjustable. Also, the ease of terminating the services, whenever you want makes it all the more comfortable. So, you will never have to worry about paying extra.

3. Ease of use

One of the major advantages that AWS has over other tools is the fact that Amazon Web Services is extremely easy to use. At the time when Amazon Web Services was created, the prime aim was to develop a powerful platform where all the app providers, vendors and ISVs are able to quickly and securely host all of the applications. At present, it fulfills this task, for all the applications. AWS is unquestionably regarded as one of the easiest platform to use. This also makes it easy for the people to teach and learn AWS.


Amazon Web Services seems to be a powerful solution for all type of software development companies including the industries like manufacturing, logistics, warehousing etc. This is also true because there are various apps which are basically designed for the functions of such industries. At the same time, AWS offers a lot more customization as well. Also, Amazon’s trademark simplicity and user-friendliness are few of the other features that make it a top choice. AWS is known to offer a lot more security and flexibility to the industries. Also, it helps them to optimize and boost their performance.

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