5 Key Reasons to Use Live Streams on Your Website

Video has quite simply taken over when it comes to brands marketing themselves online. It goes further than written copy alone ever can, offering people a dynamic and easy way to learn more about a brand or a certain topic.

Live video, in particular, has more recently risen in popularity and is now used by many brands as a way to make announcements, demonstrate products or services, interview the team or simply have a more informal conversation with potential customers.

Here are five key reasons why every brand should be utilising live video and offering live streams across their website…

Brand recognition 

A live video goes further than words alone ever can, putting faces to your brand and allowing you to show personality and individuality. Whether you have a specific brand voice and want to keep your live streams strictly professional, or you want to use live video to offer your audience an informal and more interactive form of content.

You will notice your audience react well to live content and over time this will boost your brand recognition, enabling you to stand out from your competitors who may not be utilising all that live video has to offer.


Similarly to the personality and character that you can put across through a live video, live content also helps brands to establish an immediate level of trust with their audience. By offering a real-time and unedited form of video, you are offering an authentic and honest view of your brand.


On top of the increased trust that live streams can enable, they also have positive impacts on engagement. People naturally feel far more inclined to engage and interact with a live video than one that is pre-recorded or highly-edited. Whether they react to it, comment, or simply share your video, the boosted engagement will work wonders for your brand reputation and enable you to build rapport and form positive relationships with either existing or prospective customers.

What’s more, you can use the engagement as concrete data to gauge the types of content and topics that your audience find entertaining, valuable and most engaging to educate future live streams.

Cost-effective & accessible 

While there is a certain level of planning involved in streaming live, live videos are generally far easier and less time-consuming to produce than a scripted, pre-recorded and edited video can be.

Once you’ve nailed your brands live streaming setup, have the right equipment and are comfortable in front of the camera, you can offer live videos across your site on a regular basis both cheaply and easily.


Aside from the benefits that video and live streaming, in particular, can have for your brand’s reputation overall, it can also optimise your visibility in the Google search results. Back in 2007, Google released a Universal Search algorithm focused on video, with videos now appearing at the very top of the search results for relevant search queries. By offering videos across your site and optimising them correctly, you can rank at the top of the SERPs and benefit from the hugely increased visibility and click-through rates that come with it.

Not only do videos allow you to gain visibility in search, they massively increase dwell time and session duration on your site which is another ranking factor. 

Zidivo allows businesses of all sizes to offer live video on their website with minimal hassle. You can go live from any device on as many devices as required using a simple embed code, customise your players and offer videos in a consistent HD resolution. The platform is user-friendly and highly affordable, meaning both small and large businesses can benefit from the opportunities that live video has to offer.


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